Where to Compromise in Your Kitchen Remodel


mcdermott remodeling where to compromise in your kitchen remodelWhen you’re remodeling your kitchen, there are probably two thoughts that will battle it out in your head, the first being, “I want it the way I want it.” The second is, “this is going to cost a fortune!”

Every project has to have a budget. It helps keep the vision realistic, and that’s part of the goal. The point of having a renovation budget is to make sure you achieve the look and function you’re after without draining your resources. 

That said, there are plenty of ways to save when you’re doing a kitchen remodel. 

Ways to Save on Your Kitchen Remodel Without Cutting Corners 

1. Make a Plan

When formulating your plan, think about what you want for your kitchen and how each aspect will be used. Is your main goal spending time with your family? Do you entertain a lot? Establish a core purpose right off the bat. This will help you and your design team make informed decisions going forward. 

Consider the future. Think about your five and ten-year plans. Will your household grow? How long do you expect to live in the house? 

2. Prioritize and Compromise

Once you have your plan, lay out the groundwork, make your selections, and rank them in order of priority. Ask yourself, what is the primary goal above all others? Things like extra storage, Carrera countertops, a new island, extra room to entertain, or commercial-grade appliances – what’s the non-negotiable? 

If you’re having a hard time prioritizing, weigh the pros and cons of each item on your list. Once you have a clear goal in mind, it will be easier to decide where you’re willing to make concessions. Whatever you rate as your top priority, let your design team know. They’ll be able to advise you about balancing your wants while staying within the boundaries of your budget. In many cases, even if we can nail everything on your wish list, we can come pretty close and still keep it under budget. 

Ultimately, it’s all your decision. Keep in mind that you’ll occasionally have to trade off in other areas. For example, those Carrera countertops? They’re pretty dear. BUT we can hook you up with Corian that, to the average person, looks very similar, and choosing it over the marble means you’ll be able to put that money into something else. 

Compromising, on some level, is inevitable. Every home improvement project will come up against some unexpected obstacles; it’s just part of the process. We can often identify areas where you’ll get the look and the function you want – that’s what we call value engineering. 

mcdermott remodeling where to compromise in your kitchen remodel

3. Form Over Function

You want everything to be quality, from foundations to finishes. Of course, you might encounter some obstacles if you have very expensive tastes and a limited budget. 

Ask yourself what you value more: the function of your kitchen or the way it looks. If you prefer the latter, you might take porcelain tiles over of a second sink, or mahogany cabinets over an extra-large oven. 

Conversely, if you need your kitchen to perform, prioritize counter space and quality cabinetry. When it comes to finishes, faucets, and hardware, you can find affordable alternatives that are aesthetically comparable to your top choice. 

The choices you make will depend on your lifestyle as well as your budget and preferences. How much do you use the kitchen? If your kitchen gets a lot of wear and tear, you may be better off prioritizing practicality. 

4. Value vs. Cost

The upfront cost of a kitchen component may far outweigh its rate of return, but there are other ways to gauge value beyond dollars and cents. If you get a lot of personal satisfaction out of your choices and planning on living in the house a while, then it’s worth it to splurge a little, even if it doesn’t do much for the resale value of the home. 

Once again, it all comes down to your priorities. Think first about how you picture things, decide what you can afford, and don’t skimp on the things that you simply can’t do without. 

Making remodeling decisions isn’t always easy! Fortunately, our design-build team is passionate about kitchen renovation and will help bring your vision to life, no matter what it involves. When you’re ready to remodel, two things you don’t have to compromise on are design and quality – at least when you work with McDermott. Reach out today, and let’s talk about your ideas!

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