Remodeling Your St. Louis Home to Fit Your Active Lifestyle

If you are focused on wellness, health, and staying active, there are ways in which you can rethink your home to be more conducive to your lifestyle. Your kitchen, your bathrooms, and amenities that can be added in other parts of the home help you flow from one mode to the next with ease. Let’s […]

St. Louis Kitchen Design for Families Without Kids

If you have no kids in the house, whether that’s by design or if your kids are grown and gone, it opens up a lot of possibilities in kitchen design – things you may not have even thought of before!     Empty Nesters? or Aging-In-Place? Couples nearing retirement are enjoying a very different phase […]

The Pros and Cons of Matte Cabinets and Countertops in Your St. Louis Kitchen

While you may love the look of matte cabinets and countertops for your kitchen, there are some issues to consider. Yes, it may look incredible—it is a very trendy style these days—but it may take a lot more than just routine maintenance to keep it that way.   High-Maintenance Surfaces Fingerprints are a significant concern […]

Saving Space in Your St. Louis Kitchen: Do Pullout Racks Help?

If you have a small kitchen or if you are challenged in terms of storage, you might be thinking about pullout racks as an option for saving space. The truth is, you won’t be saving space, per se, but pullout racks will make your cabinets, and what you put in them, more accessible. Rather than […]

The Pros and Cons of The Four-Inch Backsplash

The four-inch backsplash has been a staple of kitchen installations for many years. It’s budget-friendly, it’s practical, and it’s versatile in terms of kitchen design. When full tile backsplashes became the trend, the four-inch variety has been all but left behind, but it still has its merits, which we are going to discuss today. A […]

Would a Small Kitchen in St. Louis Look Good with Black Cabinets?

Would a small kitchen look good with black cabinets? Black evokes a feeling of exclusivity, elegance, and luxury, but many people feel that choosing dark colors will actually make an already small kitchen look even smaller. We’re going to look at an example today that proves this is not always the case. Karin Bohn is […]

What Countertop Color Looks Best With White Cabinets in Your St. Louis Kitchen?

White kitchens are still very trendy in St. Louis kitchen design. However, not all white is the same kind of white – meaning that everything white has a slightly different hue and shade. When you’re mixing, matching, and contrasting in a white kitchen, If you’re not careful, it’s easy to make things look muddy and […]

Herringbone Pattern in St. Louis Kitchen Design

Herringbone is a trendy pattern in St. Louis kitchen design these days, so today we’re going to talk a little about that. First off – what is herringbone? Essentially, herringbone is a zigzag pattern that resembles chevrons, but instead of being a continuous zigzag, it’s broken. And if you’re wondering why it’s called herringbone, it’s […]