6 Things Your St. Louis Contractor Wants You To Know About Design and Construction


Your contractor is likely going to be a polite person who lets you talk about all your remodeling dreams. And you might wonder what they are thinking while walking you through this long and sometimes complicated process. Of course, the best way to understand your contractor better is by asking. This leads us to our first point in this guide.

We Love Your Questions

Do not hesitate to ask us any questions you have. We don’t care how silly or off the wall you might think they are. We would rather you ask us questions than walk away confused. This is your project, your home, and your budget; any question, no matter how big or small, is important to us. We are steeped in the remodeling world on a daily basis, and the words and vocabulary surrounding it comes second nature to us. While we always try to explain things clearly, we might get it wrong, and if you don’t ask us, we can’t help you better understand what’s going on. 

Don’t Rush the Process

At McDermott Remodeling, we’ve spent the last 28 years creating, editing, redefining, and perfecting our Design-Build process. While it might seem like a long journey from idea to the first hammer falling, we’ve crafted this system with our client’s best interests at heart. This detailed process allows us to hammer out the details of the project without leaving your home a mess while we do it. We can spend the right amount of time selecting paint colors, faucet finishes, appliances, lighting, tiles, and every other piece of the puzzle. So while you might be itching to get things going, trust us, and trust our process. 

We Hate Change Orders Too

When we work through the Design-Build process, we always hope that we are nailing something down that we won’t have to change. However, surprises happen, and sometimes our clients change their minds on a selection. As professionals in this business, we’ve gotten used to these challenges, but we hate the disruption they bring to the project just as much as our clients do. These events often mean timeline shifts, budget changes, and maybe even dead time during a project. While we try to mitigate these as much as we can, sometimes they can’t be avoided. 

We Prefer Clear Upfront Communication

Nothing can ruin a remodel project like poor communication. We’ve worked hard to create a well-run system over the years, so you and your family have all the information and power you need to be comfortable during the remodeling process. However, that only goes as far as you let it. Be open and honest with us as we are with you, and we’ll be able to lead you through this sometimes overwhelming project and get you safely to the other side. 

We Have a Guy for That

We’ve spent years in this industry creating relationships and working with exceptional subcontractors. We have guys that we know and trust to do the best work on your home, and they already know how we operate. So while we understand you might have a nephew who’s into tile, we prefer to work with tradespeople we’re already familiar with. 

We See Your House as a Home

Not a job site. Of course, for a few weeks or months, your home becomes our office. Our craftsmen come into your home every morning and do their fantastic work, but they don’t take for granted that this is someone’s home. We understand that this is where you go to get away from the world, to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind. While there is some disruption we can’t help during the loud and messy parts of construction, we do everything in our power to make it as easy on you as possible. 

In the end, we love what we do, and we love serving our clients. The best way for our relationship and your project to continue without a hitch is by communicating. So if you ever have any questions, concerns, or comments, we want you to know that we want you to speak up.

Ready to get started?
