Herringbone Pattern in St. Louis Kitchen Design


herringbone pattern in kitchen designHerringbone is a trendy pattern in St. Louis kitchen design these days, so today we’re going to talk a little about that.

First off – what is herringbone?

Essentially, herringbone is a zigzag pattern that resembles chevrons, but instead of being a continuous zigzag, it’s broken. And if you’re wondering why it’s called herringbone, it’s because it resembles the skeleton of a herring (that’s right, the fish!).

Herringbone is perhaps a little more traditional-looking, so it may not fit your home style. If your décor leans toward the modern, chevrons might be more appropriate, but it’s really all about what makes you happy.

We use it quite a lot because it’s a great way to make subway tile more interesting. Though subway tile is enjoying an extended day in the sun, some people find it too boring simply because it’s everywhere. Using a herringbone pattern is a way to dress it up.

What Tiles Work Best With Herringbone?

We like to use elongated, textured tiles; tiles that look handmade, or ceramic tiles that are two inches by ten inches work well in herringbone because it looks like a real herringbone instead of just a pattern. When we use skinny tiles, it gives us more of texture, like the fabric weave pattern of the same name.

Herringbone Flooring Pattern

herringbone pattern in kitchen design

Using wood planks in a herringbone pattern can look great on the floor, too. Again, you can do it with more of a 12″ by 24″ tile, but you only achieve the herringbone effect when you do it with a longer plank.

Herringbone pattern can be done with tile as well—any material you want, really—as a way to introduce a texture or a pattern without it looking busy. Simply changing the layout of the tile or wood gives you a completely different look and feel, something to draw the eye.

Accenting With Herringbone

Say you had a subway tile backsplash. If you wanted to do something different but still keep it fairly simple, adding a herringbone focal point over the sink or the range is an excellent idea.

This way, you could add some interest without changing the color or bringing in another tile. It’s subtle, but it adds another dimension entirely, and it really stands out from a design standpoint.

Design Sense: Using Herringbone Wisely

When you like something, the tendency is to want to put it everywhere – floor, backsplash, bathroom – where do you stop?

herringbone pattern in kitchen design

While herringbone in the kitchen and bathroom would be fine, as long as you didn’t have it in too many places in the room itself, it might be too much if you had it on the kitchen floor and the backsplash, especially if you were using different tiles.

Applied judiciously, the pattern will give you texture and interest, and it won’t clash with the rest of the room or take over your home. 

Herringbone Pattern Ideas For Your Kitchen: The Roundup

There are endless ways to introduce a herringbone pattern to your kitchen design, but here are some of the most popular:

Herringbone Backsplash

A herringbone backsplash is a great way to go when you want to do something small that has a lot of impact. Choose shorter tiles for a more traditional look or use longer tiles to add drama.

Herringbone Accent

To add a three-dimensional effect, a herringbone tile accent is perfect. Place the herringbone pattern within a horizontally tiled backsplash. You can choose tiles that are the same color, contrasting colors, or vary the grout color to add even more interest. 

herringbone pattern in kitchen design

Herringbone Patterned Floors

In the kitchen, a herringbone pattern on the floor always looks great. No matter what material you choose for your flooring, whether it’s tile, laminate, or wood planks, it’s a great way to break up the space and add texture. If you prefer not to have the pattern on the entire floor, choose a focal point, like the center of the room, or around the island.

Varying The Pattern

The classic herringbone style is angled, but for a more modern look, you can choose a straighter, 90-degree layout. You might also switch it up and do a straight herringbone stack against the more classic pattern.

Whatever direction the herringbone points, it will draw the eye to that area, so think about what that’s going to be and to what you want to draw attention.

Are you thinking about remodeling your St. Louis kitchen with a herringbone pattern? We’ve got plenty of design ideas to inspire! Reach out today, and let’s start the conversation. 

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